BEX-8204 Color Matching Experimental Device

BEX-8204 Color Matching Experimental Device


The color matching experimental device is mainly composed of an integrating sphere, a
fiber optic spectrometer, and a standard light source. Red, green, and blue LEDs or LDs
are selected as the three primary color light sources, and are powered by independent
power supplies. By adjusting the current to change the luminous intensity, the
continuous change of the three stimulus values ​​of R, G, and B is achieved to match
different colors of light. You can not only watch the color changes intuitively through
the integrating sphere window, but also accurately measure the color coordinates, color
temperature, dominant wavelength and other colorimetric parameters through the
spectrometer and BSV software. You can also use an optical power meter for absolute
intensity measurement to help students understand and master the basic theories and
methods of color measurement.


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