Tunable Laser Optical Sub-Assembly TOSA TLDCD 2.5-10Gbps direct modulation

Tunable Laser Optical Sub-Assembly TOSA TLDCD 2.5-10Gbps direct modulation


Key Features

  • Up to 40 channels at 100 GHz spacing or up to 80 channels at 50GHz spacing
  • C- or L-band
  • Simple tuning algorithm
  • 2.5-10Gbps direct modulation
  • Small package size


  • Colorless ONU
  • Optical interconnects
  • DWDM sparing
  • Dynamic wavelength provisioning
  • Wavelength routing



Widely wavelength tunable semiconductor lasers are key components for next-generation optical networks. Conventional tunable lasers require complex fabrication processes such as non-uniform gratings and multiple epitaxial growths, and need multiple electrodes with complex control algorithms for wavelength tuning. As the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology extends towards access and data center networks, the cost reduction and operational simplicity have become more and more important. Lightip has developed a simple and compact tunable laser based on patented proprietary technologies. It consists of a half-wave coupled V-cavity laser with only three electrodes: one for gain and direct modulation, one for channel selection corresponding to the ITU grid, and the third for fine tuning when needed. The laser structure does not involve any grating or epitaxial regrowth,and has a size of only about 500m X 300m. The advantages of compactness, fabrication simplicity and easy wavelength control offer cost-effective tunable laser solutions for many applications in access and data center networks, and beyond.The TLDX155 series Transmitter Optical Sub-Assembly (TOSA)integrates a V-cavity edge-emitting tunable laser, a power monitoring photodiode, an isolator ,and a TEC controller. The connector type can be chosen from LC, SC or fiber-pigtail with FC/PC or FC/APC connector. It can provide up to 40 channels at 100GHz spacing or 80 channels at 50GHz spacing in C- or L- band (other wavelength bands available on request). The size of the 9-pin TOSA is only a small fraction of that of the conventional butterfly package.



Parameters Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Optical Output Power 0 3  
LD Operating Temperature 10 35 65
Ambient Operating Temperature 0   70
Gain Forward Bias Current 25 30 100
Channel Selector Current 20 - 140
Fine Tuning Current 20 25 50
LD Forward Bias Voltage - - 2.3 V
Modulation Data Rate 2.5-10
Wavelength C- or L-band (other wavelengths available on request  
Channel Spacing 50 or 100
Number of Channels 16, 32, 40 @100GHz, or 32, 64, 80 @50GHz  
Side Mode Suppression Ratio 35 38 -
Optical Isolation 25 - -
Relative Intensity Noise - - -135
Power Monitor Current 20 - 500
Power Monitor Dark Current - - 100
TEC Current - 0.7 1
TEC Voltage - 2.2 3 V
Total Power Consumption 
- 2 3 W
Thermistor B Constant - 4050 - K
Thermistor Resistance @25C 9.5 10 10.5


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