SM301/SM301-EX PbS/PbSe Near Infrared/Mid Infrared Spectrometer, 1um~5um

SM301/SM301-EX PbS/PbSe Near Infrared/Mid Infrared Spectrometer, 1um~5um


SM301/SM301-EX is a versatile, high-performance PbS/PbSe linear array spectrometer. It contains a built-
in TE cooler and a 256-pixel PbS/PbSe linear array detector. Using the included SM32Pro software, it can
be easily operated and applied to scientific research analysis. This series of spectrometers is very
suitable for spectral applications in the range of 1.0 ~ 3.0 um (PbS) or 1.5 ~ 5.0 um (PbSe).

SM301/SM301-EX has built-in TE cooling function to ensure long-term stable operation. It uses a PbS/PbSe
array as its infrared detection element. The linear array detector is cooled and the temperature can be
stabilized at around -10℃ (down to -20℃), thus ensuring long-term stability.

The dark noise of the spectrometer itself can be automatically measured and deducted by the built-in
electronics at regular intervals. Compared with traditional scanning infrared spectrometers, SM301/SM301
-EX adds the advantage of fast detection, which reduces measurement time and improves the signal-to-noise
ratio of the measurement. SM301/SM301-EX can run at a readout rate of 2MHz or faster, allowing fast
measurements and operations to be performed in a shorter time.


Provides two wide wavelength ranges: ~1-3um, ~1.5-5.0um

Built-in high-performance PbS/PbSe linear array detector with TE cooling

The best solution for real-time monitoring of near-infrared and mid-infrared


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