1270nm-1610nm DFB Laser CWDM Fiber Coupled Laser

1270nm-1610nm CWDM SM Or PM Fiber Coupled Laser with output power 20mW , with 14-pin butterfly package.

CWDM stands for Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing. As the name states, it is a form of multiplexed fiber optics, so CWDM networks can send simultaneous, two-way communication. The term “coarse” refers to the wavelength spacing between channels.

DFB lasers are good for high-performance fiber optic telecommunication systems. DWDM systems require that the optical emission wavelength stability of the DFB lasers be controlled to within ±5 GHz of the ideal channel center.


ITU wavelengths available from 1270-1610nm;
Output power 20mW;
DFB wavelength stabilized single mode laser;
Built-in optical isolator, monitor photodiode, thermo-electric cooler and thermistor;
Polarization maintaining (PM) or Single mode(SM) fiber pigtail.

Laser Solutions:
LAN, WAN and metro networks;
C/DWDM systems;
Laser sources;


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